t Heavy Metal Art

Heavy Metal Art

Heavy Metal Art website is under construction. Evan is a mechanical engineer who wrote all the HTML/PHP/SQL by hand so this website isn't perfect.

Heavy Metal Art represents both the art of Evan Beloni (below) and the Art Services he provides.

Find my arts by tags:     Experimental     Featured     Fine     Fire     Forsale     Installation     Interactive     Public     Scrap    
Find my arts by materials:     Dichroic     Electronics     LEDs     Mild Steel     Scrap Metal     Stainless Steel    

Art tagged with Interactive


Fuel pushes participants to deeply analyze our society and reliance on petroleum and the ease which we refuel.

It's also fun.

Jeep Fire

I dont know who wouldnt have a turret mounted multifunction poofer/liquid flame thrower on their Jeep, but it sucks for them.
Jeep Fire