t Heavy Metal Art

Heavy Metal Art

Heavy Metal Art website is under construction. Evan is a mechanical engineer who wrote all the HTML/PHP/SQL by hand so this website isn't perfect.

Heavy Metal Art represents both the art of Evan Beloni (below) and the Art Services he provides.

Find my arts by tags:     Experimental     Featured     Fine     Fire     Forsale     Installation     Interactive     Public     Scrap    
Find my arts by materials:     Dichroic     Electronics     LEDs     Mild Steel     Scrap Metal     Stainless Steel    

Art tagged with Forsale

Mirror Sail

Mirror Sail is a sculpture with four curved sides, two mirror polish stainless and two rusty weathering steel. The curved mirrors have a fun house effect, reflecting a smaller viewer on one side and magnified on the other. Mirror Sail is currently on loan in Lafayette, CO.
Mirror Sail

Swiss Block

Swiss Block is a wobbly surfaced stainless steel block with mild steel tube holes through it. At different angles, different light pathways can be seen through it.

Swiss Block is currently on loan through Lakewood.
Swiss Block

Truncated Tetrahedron

Truncated Tetrahedron is a platonic solid featuring hexagons inside hexagons inside hexagons inside hexagons. Unique pressed dichroic hexagon patterns inside plasma cut CORTEN plate. Mirror polish brings some extra bling.
Truncated Tetrahedron

Truncated Octahedron

Truncated Octahedron is a platonic solid featuring hexagons inside hexagons inside hexagons inside hexagons. Unique pressed dichroic hexagon patterns inside plasma cut CORTEN plate. Mirror polish brings some extra bling.
Truncated Octahedron

Zagolith Rotated

Zagolith is an experiment in combining mild and stainless steels. The rotated varient is the second of the series and has a great quality of changing shape based on viewing angle. It needs to be experienced in real life. Both Zagolith currently live at the Arvada Center.
Zagolith Rotated

Zagolith Mirrored

Zagolith is an experiment in combining mild and stainless steels. Zagolith mirrored is the first of the series and features a mirror polished plane. Both Zagolith debuted at Burning Man 2022 and currently reside at the Arvada Center.
Zagolith Mirrored

Mirror Cubes

This series of mirror cubes includes a series of several cubes ranging from 2 to 11 inches. They have four mild steel sides and two mirror polish stainless sides.
Mirror Cubes


Second in the series of COR-ZAGs, also mixing mild and stainless in a zig zag format.


This is the first of the series, inspired by zig zag shapes and mixing mild with stainless steel.

Mirror Geode

Mirror Geode was created by breaking a large block of mirror polish stainless steel, exposing the jagged rusty mild steel inside.
Mirror Geode